Sober living

Overcoming Alcohol Addiction

Although the available evidence is mixed or lacking in humans, the following natural supplements, herbs, and vitamins might help curb alcohol cravings (5, 6, 7). Prescription medications can be a useful tool in treating alcohol cravings. Generally, the more alcohol you drink on a regular basis, the longer it takes for cravings to subside. Table

Quitting Drinking: How to Taper Off Alcohol

Essentially, tapering provides less intense withdrawal symptoms but over a longer amount of time. Generally speaking, alcohol home detox is neither the most effective nor the safest method of quitting alcohol. However, it may be suitable for someone with a lower risk of experiencing alcohol withdrawal, or a person who has access to medical professionals

How to Avoid Conflict in Relationships: 3 Techniques

Perhaps you have fears over how your partner will react if you bring up an issue, or maybe you have anxiety over feeling vulnerable in front of someone else. Sometimes, a little self-reflection can provide significant insight into the core issues in your relationship and even into some of your most fundamental fears in

One Year Sober: What To Expect And What Are The Benefits

That’s too much weight for anyone to carry and life is too short to live that way, especially when it creates conflict in your relationships and within yourself. At ASIC Recovery, our Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is dedicated to helping individuals develop healthier coping skills and build a recovery supportive network in all aspects.

How will Ohio law enforcement test for DUIs involving marijuana?

Yet, while the psychoactive can show up on your skin, THC metabolites are not found in sweat. This means that sweating alone likely isn’t enough to help you clear a urine test. Detox drinks will basically help dilute urine and theoretically remove toxins from the body. Like most of the common detox methods, many of

A Look Back: People from History Who Battled Alcoholism

Married twice to Elizabeth Taylor, Burton’s excessive drinking was legendary, as was his volatile relationship with Taylor. He suffered a cerebral hemorrhage in 1984 at the age of 58, and doctors blamed his drinking first and foremost. When alcohol consumption becomes abusive, it’s time to seek treatment. It’s important to address the underlying issues in

Alcoholic Narcissist: How the Two Conditions Are Related

She’s passionate about empowering readers to take care of their mental and physical health through science-based, empathetically delivered information. Read more about living with a person who has AUD and managing a relationship with someone who has NPD. After the withdrawal stage, you could seek inpatient or outpatient care depending covert narcissism and alcoholism on

The morning after the night before: Alcohol-induced blackouts impair next day recall in sober young adults PMC

Diabetes Strong is committed to delivering content that is patient-focused and adheres to the highest standards for accuracy, objectivity, and trustworthiness. If your drink of preference leans towards fruity or highly sweetened cocktails, on the other hand, even a couple of these drinks enjoyed regularly can contribute to weight gain. For reference, a margarita

Conflict Avoidance In Relationships: Causes & How to Overcome

While some people confront issues head-on, others prefer a more subtle approach, choosing their words carefully to maintain harmony. When this creates an obstacle to function or communication, the verbiage in the DSM of the APA is ‘avoidant’ as in the « Avoidant Personality Disorder », or the paradoxical « Avoidant Attachment ». Gossips amongst family members and friends